sketchy what is working for everyone else on the Evo Leva 2. I did order the optional flush lever and safety system, but am seeing mixed feelings on the latter, so perhaps it might be best to change it back? (it will only be me using this)
My thoughts and my thoughts only.
Not sure what Paolo thinks about what i have done, but, to me it is perfect… it is not an authorised modification to be clear……
I much prefer the shower screen setup of the blind sleeve as opposed to the clip held shower screen of the open sleeve .
I personally do not see a need for the full damping given by the blind sleeve in its supplied form of safety system.
I therefore have 4 × 1mm holes in my sleeve.
This gives near to full flow to the puck, as you’d get with the open sleeve. NO puck drilling.
It gives 10.8 bars unaided start pressure to the puck
It stays clean as a dog whistle.
I cant find any negatives .
The v2 “flush lever” which you will have is perfect when adjusted to turn the pump on when the main lever reaches vertical, pausing briefly at this point and then continue to lower the main lever slowly. When you are new to this, if the pump turns off during lever travel you were a bit too slow!! Soon becomes second nature. My set point is 2.3 bars.
The main accessory you NEED is a smart plug.
“Hey google, turn evo on” is fantastic and means zero waiting time for heat up, ever!!
And finally, mine is fully plumbed via claris ultra filter system. I can’t imagine anyone using it without. (I may have mentioned this previously 🤔🤭)