I’ve just pulled the trigger on this. See what I mean? 🤣

£13.27 60%OFF | 58mm Espresso Distributor Coffee Tamper Portafilter Stand Support Base Rack Coffee Filter Holder Corner Barista Tools


In my defence, the new distributor and tamper I’ve just bought did not have silicone mats so I need something to put them on. I also wanted a portafilter holder for sitting it in when doing wdt and preparing the puck. This fits the bill nicely and cost £15 as opposed to £50 on Amazon. The price of 2 silicone tamper mats was about the same


Baldrick thanks. I’m using an ECM Mechanika Slim. Vibration pump so pressure set at 10 bar

Mark-drinks-coffee I never understand why a clean screen is such a bonus, don’t you just move the muck? A quick flush and brush down and it stays pretty clean, then drop it once a week for a soak to keep it spotless. Doesn’t the puck screen get filthy? I’ve certainly heard that they’re hard to clean.

    hornbyben Mark-drinks-coffee I never understand why a clean screen is such a bonus, don’t you just move the muck? A quick flush and brush down and it stays pretty clean, then drop it once a week for a soak to keep it spotless. Doesn’t the puck screen get filthy? I’ve certainly heard that they’re hard to clean.

    The puck screen (at least the mesh type one that I am using - it’s a cheapo from AliExpress) stops most of the coffee from touching the shower screen and from being sucked into the group (later being cleaned by a chemical backflush). I always wipe the shower screen with some tissue paper after a shot: without a puck screen I can visually see coffee on the paper, and with it I can’t.

    When I do a chemical backflush after using the machine without the puck screen, the water comes out brown and dirty. After a few weeks with the puck screen, the water from a chemical backflush come out looking almost completely clean.

    I am not saying nothing dirty goes through the puck screen, but visually it is clear that it’s far less.

    I have not tested this thoroughly, but my common sense tells me that having less coffee residue from previous shots going into the current one is a good thing. A few times I didn’t pay attention and forgot to use the puck screen - the shot itself wasn’t impacted in a way that I could notice it, but it does annoy me because now I know I got my shower screen and group dirty, so whenever that happens I immediately drop the shower screen to clean it and add a water backflush for good measure (wiping cleans the bottom side, but what about the top side and the group?). I may be just obsessing here, maybe it doesn’t matter, but this is my personal experience.

    And yes, the puck screen gets dirty. Most times it sticks to the puck and I need to fish it out of the knock box, but then it’s in my hand and I can wash it in the sink. I clean it after every shot with warm soapy water (as I do to the basket and portafilter), and it comes out clean (as far as I can see). I will then drop it in Cafiza when I clean the machine, but visually I can’t see anything coming out of it.

    The analogy for me is similar to drinking from a dirty cup: I don’t want to wash my cup once a month/week/two days/every other shot. I want to always drink from a clean cup, and always make a shot as clean as I can, so I find the puck screen helps me with that. Am I an idiot? That’s very possible.

    Thinking of getting myself a screen. I can see Shades of Coffee do them for about £6 (200 micron mesh) but wonder if the ridge around the circumference would be an issue.


    They also do another option woithout the ridge and in 50 micron mesh for £15


      dutchy101 200 micron mesh

      Notice that the first one you linked to isn’t a mesh type. It’s a sheet of metal with holes. The second one you linked to is a mesh (not saying that one is better than the other, I only have a mesh so can’t compare them).

      Thanks I’ll look around and check the Ali Express too. Do you have any idea what impact the thickness / microns would have?

        hornbyben Screens get really dirty on machines that vent back through the screen, the build up is behind where you can’t see it. Definitely affects taste after a while.

        dutchy101 Thanks I’ll look around and check the Ali Express too. Do you have any idea what impact the thickness / microns would have?

        Mine is the 150 micron one, 2mm thick. I assume the 100 and 50 micron versions have even smaller holes? Can’t compare to what I don’t have, but on mine the mesh seems very fine. I can hardly see any light through it. Sometimes I have a little amount of water above it when I take out the portafilter after a shot, and the water looks clean, like it doesn’t mix with the coffee at all, so for me this is fine enough.

        dutchy101 in theory they perform different functions. The thinner screens (first link) don’t seem to impact extraction and taste. I have the second screen (thicker) from shades and from limited testing it seems to improve the extraction and taste of lighter roasts at a straight 9 bars. More testing is definitely required although I wouldn’t use it with a medium or dark roast.

        If you only want to keep the shower screen clean and prefer a firmer puck, I would go for the thinner and cheaper screen. Not sure of the impact if any of the solid border.

        Your pucks should knock out relatively easily on the Minima though?

        I forgot to mention, and this will be relevant to @PortafilterProcrastinator as well, the stock Minima basket is ridged and a lot of coffee can get stuck behind it when knocking out the puck - another reason to upgrade to a ridgeless precision basket.

          HVL87 Your pucks should knock out relatively easily on the Minima though?

          They’ve been quite soggy so far. Perhaps this is more to do with my prep which I’m still working on with the Minima. Maybe I need to look at a precision basket too.

            @Doram and @DavecUK, fair enough. If you can tell a difference and think it’s not too much hassle then fair enough. If you soak the puck screen in cleaner and it doesn’t go brown then I agree that’s proof your day to day cleaning is good enough.

            I know you some muck behind the screen, but on my machine at least it’s never that bad, although I do tend to drop and clean it weekly.

            dutchy101 what dose do you use? I often get water on top of the puck, depending on the bean but it dries relatively quickly and knocks out ok.

            I’m going with 18g doses although I tend to try to knock it out straight away as opposed to letting it dry in the basket, which may be why.

            Not sure if it could be a feature of the Solo grinder / flats. I never noticed this when I had the Sage SGP before which tended to always give me dry pucks that knocked out all in one.

            @DavecUK did you experience this with the Solo when you used it with the Minima at all?

            It’s a feature of a fine grind or a group that needs backflushing. OR a low dose.

            The amount of coffee in the basket does look a little low at 18g - which might mean I could try taking the grind a little looser. In any case I’ve ordered a puck screen.

            With my Bambino Plus I would do a 19g dose in a 54mm basket and there was no way near as much headspace in the basket as there is now.

            My Nomcore tamper has arrived today so will hopefully be getting more consistent puck prep from now. The coffee tastes great in any case so it’s not really something I’m too worried about - would just like a cleaner puck to knock out

              dutchy101 With my Bambino Plus I would do a 19g dose in a 54mm basket and there was no way near as much headspace in the basket as there is now.

              With a 54mm portafilter you would expect less headspace, especially with 19g.

              Even when grinding very fine, the puck may be more wet, even with a small pool of water on top but you should be able to knock it out, although there will be some wet grinds left behind.

              I had a Sage Barista Pro previously and the pucks were very dry as you said, so it could be a matter of adjusting expectations as I had to? Would be interesting to see how wet your pucks are though.