DavecUK root

My brew preferences change with the seasons. The warmer it gets, the fewer longer drinks I want, so the proportion of espresso (a ROK when I used it) and shorter drinks goes up.

Middle of winter and a nice large long steep in the Clever is perfect, or a couple of back-to-back pourovers.

The choice in flavour profiles/ characteristics between the methods is fantastic. Variety is the spice of life!

root Checked out the Tricolate brewer on Youtube as I have not heard of it. Seems quite expensive for a piece of plastic? I mean it is £20 more expensive than an Aeropress - what benefits would it have over something like the Aeropress?

    Beverast I think the price at least partially reflects the fact that it’s a niche device being made in small batches in comparison to the mass produced Aeropress. As it’s an unproven device with mixed reviews it’s difficult to say whether there are any benefits over the AP, honestly. The thing with the AP is that it’s a really versatile device that can be used in multiple ways. For example, you can emulate the Tricolate brew style. See 20:00 onwards of this video:

    My advice would be to try something like this if you already have an AP and are curious about the Tricolate.

      Beverast No benefits are immediately apparent over the Aeropress, nor over any other of the widely used brewers.

      Tricolate is not as simple to clean as the Aeropress, If you take out the filter screen to clean it, it’s a pain to line up & get back in. Aeropress is more versatile (immersion, or drip/percolation).

      root I got bored one minute in with the claps. music, reverence, subscribe and Patreon….couldn’t take any more. I’m non-complex about my brewing, and my head was beginning to hurt slightly.

        For pour over I’m a big fan of the v60.

        I’ve got a chemex, and while I think it looks great, I find that it takes a long time to brew. Also, due to the large amount of glass the coffee is also fairly cool. I almost never use it now.

        V60s size 1 cool quickly, so personally I don’t think you can go wrong with the plastic funnel. It’s not as attractive as the glass ones, but needs next to no preheating and doesn’t break when you drop it.

        My only brewer is an Aeropress. Other than that I drink espresso either straight or with steamed milk.

        I like the Aeropress but sometimes I feel its a bit ‘flat’. I’ve had nice brews but nothing like the natural Ethiopian served to me from a V60 in the now defunct Track in Marlow. That really wowed me. Do you brewing cognoscenti (looking at you Mark B/Dave) think the V60 gives a ‘superior’ cup (livelier, more intense, not 100% sure what I’m trying to articulate here)?

        The reason I haven’t tried one yet is I’m a bit faffophobic and don’t want to clutter my ridiculously small kitchen with more coffee paraphernalia like pouring kettles etc, and learn the dark art of V60 brewing, but might give it a go if people can convince me its tastier, cleaner etc than AP. I do 10 minute steeps with AP and favour light /med naturals.

          Hotmetal I’ve been pretty happy doing v60 with a standard kettle. I’m sure it’s easier with a gooseneck, but I can get a low flow steady stream with some careful pouring.

          Unlike many coffee related gadgets a plastic v60 is only £5, so I say give it ago

          Hotmetal I like a V60 from time to time….tried friend’s aeropress, and it was too much faff for me, plus a pain to clean up. V6 seems cleaner tasting too.

          If you do get one, I think a plastic cone is better than glass or ceramic as it doesn’t need warming and is super cheap (plus lightweight, chuck it in a cupboard..

            Hotmetal The V60 gives you a cup in 2-4 min that it takes 20-30min to brew in the Aeropress. When both are good they’re comparable, but long steep Aeropress are only an occasional thing for me.

            If you want drip, but don’t want a goosneck/faff, buy a Melitta/Kalita 185/Wilfa pourover cone.

            V60 is quick, extracts well & consistent, but not magic/different to other popular cones. It’s not an art, it’s a mechanical process & what you get out is a reflection of what you put in (care, coffee, grind).

            DavecUK If you do get one, I think a plastic cone is better than glass or ceramic as it doesn’t need warming and is super cheap (plus lightweight, chuck it in a cupboard..

            Damn! I orderd the glass one with the wooden base because it was so cheap. Heat retention never occurred to me and as for ‘chucking in a cupboard’…..sacrilege!

            I guess I might have found another use for my beany hat.

            Cheers guys. I don’t even have an ordinary kettle since going Osmio, but I might try with the Kalita and a basic stove top gooseneck to take the hot water from the osmio to the dripper. I think it’s the “30 min AP steep in 2-4 minutes” that convinced me. I think I was somewhat discouraged by the long-running thread on the old site “show us your slurry” or whatever, which made it all seem very complicated. Your advice about long steep AP was a game changer for me to enjoy that method (which I basically bought for travel) but drip does appeal, more so than a long black from the Rocket. Many thanks for your input, both.

            Beanie hat = coffee cosy hahaha! 🤣

            i drink a full range of coffee.

            first thing espresso, mid morning some kind of pour over currently either a v60 or a chemex but have ordered a stagg xf to be delivered tomorrow which im excited for. and then mid afternoon some kind of milk based espresso drink.

            if i had more time in the day i’d make more pour overs but work stops that ha

              spasypaddy if i had more time in the day i’d make more pour overs but work stops that ha

              The one thing about being retired is whilst time may not be on my side (nearer the top of the ladder of life) I do have time on my hands. So, I guess if I wanted to I could make enough pour over to bath in… wouldn’t fancy drinking if after though.

                Predominantly an enthusiast of espresso (and espresso based beverages), I got into the pourover world after my wife bought me a Hario V60 for Xmas.

                Easy, ‘no fuss’ brewer to get great coffee out in less than 5 mins (including the preparation). Loads of (pretty similar) recipes out on the web to make life easier.

                Yesterday, I tried a light to medium El Salvadorian roast from Chimney Fire that came with my Dog and Hat subscirption, and I like with the ‘clean’ and distinct flavours I am getting…although unable to taste the ‘wine gum’ (really, what is it?) that the roaster mentions😁.

                Well my V60 arrived today…It’s the 01 version and I thought it was good for two cups but it loks a bit small to me. I could only get about 130-40 ml in it.

                Got to admit though the glass is a lot thicker than I expected.

                Oh well, I guess i’ll have to order an 02 now (plastic Dave) which at £6 won’t break the bank.

                  Pompeyexile It doesn’t need to hold all the brew water, so you can feasibly brew 2 cups with an 01.

                  It can get a bit messy trying to pick up wet doses of more than 18g in an 01 paper though. I prefer to make 2 separate brews than to make 2 cups from 1 brewer.

                  I am genuinely trepidatious in making brewed coffee for Mark…next time..