It’s fairly obvious everyone here likes their coffee and I’m intrigued to know what other drinks people like and why - whether it be wine, beers, whiskeys, gins or all the above (like myself -there’s not a lot that I don’t like for my sins).

so here goes for me I’m quite partial to an IPA, pale ale, or craft beer. I have a Sub beer tap which I use on occasion at home.

I love a Provence rose but particularly enjoy new world red wine - things like McLaren Vale Shiraz from Australia/ Maipo Valley Chilean wines.

Gin used to be an Achilies heel for me, but we’ve made up in recent years.

Love a drop of whiskey too. My favourite was a Hibiki 12 which has sadly been discontinued due to lack of foresight by the distillery who underestimated the popularity of their amazing whiskey. It was a blend of 52 whiskeys - the Japanese don’t mess about when it comes to whiskey. The bottle is like a beautiful decanter with 24 facets (one for each hour of the day). Annoyingly I threw one in the recycling a few years ago but have kept the last one which looks amazing as a makeshift light with some string lights inside. The same distillery make a brilliant gin called Roku which also comes in a beautiful bottle

I’ve never been much of a wine drinker, but I did used to enjoy a good whisky or brandy. Not in quantity, but certainly in quality. Sadly, these days the medication I have to take …well, it doesn’t play nice with alcohol. 😢 😭

Other drinks? Not much. Water, mainly. Milk sometimes. Orange juice every day with breakfast.

I do like pint or two of IPA and am fortunate to have a craft beer brewer where we live in Helmsley.

A nice glass of Mount Gay black barrel rum on the odd occasion or a glass of Jack Daniels, other than that a glass of wine. A cup of Bovril on a cold country walk goes down a treat.

    Meldrew love Helmsley Brewery - HIPA reminds me of beers my Dad used to drink 🍺

    @Uncletits Must say we are a bit spoilt having the brewery with some great craft beers in a lovely part of the world. I will have to have a walk round and have a re taste to confirm which is my favourite Hipa or the Yorkshire legend.with the Howardian gold a close third. Any excuse will do.

      Meldrew I took 12 of each when we visited in September lovely part of the world

      I do like a drink but have not had one in over 2 years. I had ¼ of a glass of wine in Italy just over 2 years ago and nothing for 3 or 4 years before that.

      Perhaps I’ll treat myself to a drink over Christmas. I like all sorts of quality craft beers, real cider, wine….not so much spirits, don’t mind them but not crazy about them either.

        I used to really enjoy craft beer but it sadly no longer agrees with me. Since then I’ve taken a real interest in wines, mostly French and Italian. Chinon (cab franc) being my favourite as it is goes so well with food.

        The quality of English sparkling has sky rocketed, easily matching and often bettering French champagne, so I drink that as often as my wallet permits. Offerings from hambledon and rathfinny are the best I’ve tried so far….

        Also been getting into whiskeys more recently as I’ve got a few friends who are really into it. Nice to be able to try theirs before I commit to buying a bottle for myself.


        I did not drink while having chemo and have not drunk that much since but still enjoy one when I do partake. The problem is I find that I cannot drink as much nowadays. I am now a Cheap date for the wife.

        -Mac funnily enough I had my first Islay a few weeks ago (Seaweed & Aeons & Digging & Fire) gorgeous stuff ; )

        just ordered a bottle for the Xmas period.

        I’ve recently got an obsession for cocktails and started buying bottles to build up the bar just in time for Xmas. Tried a Manhattan, Whiskey Sour, Negroni, Pina Colada and Strawberry Daiquiri. Some great content on YouTube such as Anders Erickson, The Educated Barfly, How to Drink and Steve the Bartender.

        Pretty much enjoy all types of drinks in moderation of course!!

        I do rather like that Roku gin from Suntory, I agree about the bottle too.


        This is a great way to do it. Everything lasts you a very long time this way - but you have to have a dedicated strategy for regular replacing otherwise you’re facing a massive financial hit to stick up again once the last drop is done

        • -Mac replied to this.


          Thanks :) To be honest, I only have about one double per week so it’ll last a long time.

          2 months later

          Tea and water are my other most commonly drank drinks. I don’t like beer too much but I drink it when out with friends at the weekend in the pubs or out for a meal.