I don’t own Niche but haven’t heard that before either. There might have been an odd incidence or two not related to this. Heard nothing but outstanding customer support known to fix any issues very quickly.


    LMSC I didn’t mean it’s bad quality, I meant in comparison to others. To be fair I haven’t owned one, but reading a lot of other sites and comparisons and talk about the internal components/design etc., the feeling I got was that for productivity/use it is one of the best, but comparing the build to other grinders it isn’t as good. There’s no way to prove this I guess without waiting 10 years or so. Now if I had the money at that price point I would buy it, but I wouldn’t expect it to last as long as a Mazzer Mini which is a bit cheaper.

    Sham I’ve heard things like the switch breaking easily…

    Was that when the Home Barista review team dropped the grinder, they did break the switch…I think Niche simply sent them a new board…perhaps that’s what you read. I have definitely not heard of the switch breaking easily….unless any Niche owners want to put me right?

    They have sold a huge amount of grinders, with fault levels significantly less than their competitors.

      Sham A thread I read on Reddit a while back

      Do you have a link….because there was a small group of people who objected to the existence of the Niche and took every opportunity to talk it down, even though they never owned one. There are some companies who would love to see the Niche disappear (retailers and manufacturers alike).

      • Sham replied to this.


        Just to make the obvious clear, I don’t have anything against the Niche if you might think that aha, I would love to own one.

          Sham I know, just read the thread..it’s a pretty Toxic one…some comments are hard to believe.I’m fairly sure that guy must have dropped his grinder…the one that said it arrived with a broken cover is a bit weird…look (Lid is Lexan).

          P.S. I know you are not against the Niche

          My black Niche arrived today too, along with my latest batch of coffee from my local roaster. Shame I had to just watch on my Best doorbell and can’t play for a week haha. Enjoy to those who are well underway with your next stage of your journeys.

          My Niche was one of the first to be delivered. It’s been in daily use ever since. So far it hasn’t missed a beat. It has never jammed, which is more than I can say for my Eureka 65e…

          My Niche arrived this afternoon, let Joy be unconfined 😃 but I’ve a question that Niche haven’t answered yet: at the bottom of the funnel and above the burr set is a transparent plastic disc with a slot cut-out which might be to allow one bean at a time into the grinder or it might be some packing element that should be removed? It’s not mentioned in the manual nor have I seen any photos of such a thing, can anyone shed any light please?


            From Niche site

            The Niche Flow Control Disc is a simple after-market installation for first generation Niche Zero grinders. Please note that current Niche Zero models come with the Niche Flow Control Disc pre-installed.

            The small (40mm), clear disc is made from food grade polycarbonate. When installed into the bean funnel, the Niche Flow Control Disc prevents ‘pop-corning’ - coffee beans jumping around the funnel prior to being fully fed into the burrs.

            Because the Niche Flow Control Disc feeds beans into the burrs at a steady pace the grind consistency is also improved.

              Java_avaJ The disk has the side effect of controlling popcorning, but I cam up with the idea to actually even out the flow of beans into the burrs for a more consistent grind. Martin came up with the final design on the cad.

              Thomas101 Thank you, I didn’t spot the info on the Niche site, but thinking about it just, whilst out walking the dog, it occurred to me it could be to prevent pop-corning.

              This months Coffee Club subscription from Carrington Coffee

              Arrived the niche zero last week, the difference with eureka in taste is clearly improve.

              Very happy for coffee upgrade (with ACS Evo Leva)

              dfk41 Could you email me on

              Sorry, I did email you but just found the message still in my out box. Apparently my mail settings are out of date! 🙄

              Just finished setting up this RO system in an outhouse. Bought from a neighbour, they had it for treating water for tropical fish but didn’t use it for very long (didn’t have the heart to ask why). I had to re-jig some of the connections to have three pre treatment filters. Total cost with new filters £60.

              Using it to treat water from our well, TDS has gone from 80 to about 3 (and that could be due to electrode contamination).

              Got my water sorted out today.

              And I have just paid the custom and import tax on the Niche.

              Now I just missing my Liz.