I am on a bit of a roastery tasting tour and I wanted to engage the community here and get some suggestions.
We are blessed with a lot of great roasters and a plethora of shops to choose from which can be a bit of a mine field as internet shopping will always be.
So far I have tried the following roasteries.

Rave - multiple types
Origin - subscription
Lost Sheep
Clumsy Goat
Caravan Roastery
Kiss the Hippo - multiple types
Bella Barista (free sample)

So if you could recommend one roastery or bean (I want to limit it for entertainments sake) you have personally tried that you would like to recommend, I would love to order it.

Points to note - Pour over and Aeropress drinker
UK based please - sorry EU friends
I will post confirmation of me receiving your recommendations in the “what’s in your coffee cup”

    MediumRoastSteam thanks for this I haven’t tried Foundry, so since you are first to reply that will be my first order!
    Northstar I have actually tried they have a partnership with an independent cafe near me ….that’s my mistake! Very good though 👌👌 I like their espresso beans especially.

    Hermenegildo Marin - Mexico - Edit ordered this from Foundry 💪

    Rave and Extract Coffee - Sugarcane Decaf

    Coffee by the Casuals - Kenyan Mikari

    Blackcat - Costa Rica and Ethiopia > Two great cup scores > 87.5, 87.

    I will be opening Costa Rica tmrw

    So adding Carrington Coffee, Coffee by the Casuals & Blackcat to my next months order. Thanks guys

    (next months order will be 1st of March)

      A few I can think of, that I’ve had tasty coffee from:


      Smith St Coffee Roasters



      Roastery Hope Coffee (a bit left field maybe, but I did have a very tasty Brazilian Fazenda from them)

      Frothbewithyou adding Carrington Coffee, Coffee by the Casuals & Blackcat to my next months order. Thanks guys

      The great thing about exploring roasters like this is that you can soon find a few you like and order your coffees from them.

        DavecUK Its like you read my mind, so a little background. My friend and I are doing it together, but he doesn’t want any advice and wants to do it alone for the fun of it and I said I would ask on here and we would share our favourites etc.

        Also half the fun in this hobby is to try new beans and roasts, so looking forward to it. Internet though personally just has too much choice if that makes sense.

        I am sure I will have memorable bags by the end of this, I’ll share my highlights at then end, or when it runs its course.

        5 days later

        Just an update - Finished Foundry and it was excellent, sped through the bag. I can see why its highly rated by so many.

        March order in - I have gone for Carrington Co, @BlackCatCoffee, Coffee by the Casuals.

        I will then most likely be going ManCoCo, but will need 2 more to fill in April 😉😉hint hint users.

        Pretty please with sugar on top try and just pick your favourite one, just to save me time <3

        Dark Arts Coffee - Lost Highway

        New Ground - Mug Shot

        Origin - Stronghold

        Edit - just discovered Lost Highway is a ‘seasonal blend’ so it might not be the same one I used to have. I lived round the corner from the roastery when it first started and used to buy Lost Highway 5kg at a time for wholesale prices. Back then it was a really solid, fairy dark PNG.

        Still very much a roaster to explore though.

        9 days later

        So because I’m enjoying this so much I thought I would include small updates and ‘highlights’ so far.

        I have updated my list too in case this is viewed long into the future. Tried so far;

        Rave - multiple types
        Lost Sheep
        Clumsy Goat
        Caravan Roastery
        Kiss the Hippo - multiple types
        Bella Barista (free sample)
        Carrington Co
        New Ground
        Coffee by the casuals

        Obviously taste is completely subjective and I want to preface anything that so far all of the roasteries tried have been worth recommendations.

        So far highlights have been the following:

        Coffee by the Casuals - Kenyan Mikhari AA has been delicious as a long black, inverted aeropress and a milk drink. Such a rich body and flavour profile. I can imagine this makes an exceptional espresso.

        My personal rankings so far in no particular order.

        Kiss the Hippo - Los Vasco’s, Honduras Nancy, El Change as well as a couple of acclaimed.

        Coffee by the Casuals - Kenya Mikhari AA

        Origin - Resolute, Wa Choo (both types), San Fermin (many more now out of season)


        Final thoughts
        Kiss the Hippo still sits at the top for me and I’m not surprised to see it nominated as a top roastery at the London Coffee festival, along with alot of the ones already tried.

        Hopefully people enjoy this and Blackcat, Carrington Co, New Ground and ManCoCo are in the tasting/workflow at the moment before finalising my opinion on them.