
Hey Adrian, what are the profile steps for that lever-type shot you are pulling? Looking to occupy the last profile slot I have.




    Appreciate that, it is on the other forum, looks in good condition and well looked after, so fingers crossed all goes well!


      I never made a note unfortunately and its now sold as im using the evo 2.

      Something along the lines of

      8s 2.5 bar

      5s 10.6 bar

      6s 9.5 bar

      6s 9 bar

      6s 8.5 bar

      6s 8 bar

      5s 7 bar

      And i forget the pump attack rate setting .

      If initial rise is too fast you could make the second step say 2s at 8.5 bar and remove the later 8.5 bar step

      Sorry this is not very helpful but i didnt Keep any notes on my profiles .

      Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

      About Me


      I just read the thread , so you basically (legally) stole the Vesuvius 😝😎

      I thought i had bad luck selling 🤭

      Did you fetch it yet? On face value it seems like a bargain ….

      Good luck with it.

      Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

      About Me

      • Tal likes this.

      Collecting it Saturday morning when he heads down to my neck of the woods to visit family. Certainly seems like a good deal. He has shared videos and all looks to be in great condition etc.

      Can’t wait for it. I will revisit some lighter coffee once I’ve played with some pressure profiles of my usual espresso coffee choice. The Fracino while superb for my medium/dark choices, I don’t have any control on temperature or any other parameters to try and improve light/medium level roasts. So I’ll see if the additional control and more variables allows me to enjoy them how the rest of you seem to!

      As for the price, it’s certainly too good to miss out on!