John_Yossarian No, we have fixed the one which traveled to Naples. We wanted to test it for some time and then do the same thing with the others. I’m sure it will work with the rest as symptoms are exactly the same.

I don’t know. Our machines are not from the same year: mine is 2018, the one we have fixed is 2019 and, if I remember well, the other two are from 2020. My electrovalve is new, so it’s not a bad spare thing. If the design is similar, the machine will fail. I think air in the hx is causing the issue. Paolo asked us first to bypass the hx without taking the electro valve apart but it didn’t work as the valve did not avoid water to flow and there was not a leak but a water jet when the pump was on. When we put again everything in place (original set) the problem was much evident and it failed even at 120º. I think it was caused by the air in the hx circuit after reinstalling it. You could think purging the circuit letting pass water through it would do the trick but… no, I have tried it hundreds of times. Depending on how you are using the machine it can be difficult to detect. If you use it always with steam boiler on, you probably find the way to make espresso ok. But if you use it sometimes with steam, sometimes without steam, you will observe it does not work in the same way. Another factor is how espresso tastes. With milk is not as evident. Tasting plain espresso is different. When the machine fails, lot of pressure is aplied after preinfussion fase, this slows the flow and the espresso will taste dark and bitter. It’s a very big difference in taste.

We let you know about the other machines. One is close to us and we are trying this fix on it very soon.

Hi everybody, by the moment the machine is working right from the modification detailed in the before post by @tocateclas there aren’t jump of pressure, behaviour in my vesuvius has changed and for this week i will do the same connection in the vesuvuius of my brother, as you know he bought the machine to @tocateclas.

It’s clear the HX connection in Vesuvius cause this problem, i will upload videos when i check the machines where you can watch the solution!!! A lot of time trying to find the problem, thanks a lot by your patients!

    kautivo Out of curiosity, have you shared your observations with Paolo Cortese? What does he think?

    Current setup: ACS Vesuvius, Nuova Simonelli Mythos One. Past experience, Nuova Simonelli Apia 1 gr., San Remo Capri 1 gr., Bezzera BZ 35e, Fracino Heavenly. Anfim Super Lusso.

    Contact me at:

      John_Yossarian Yes my friend he knows the progress, he also has helped with the way for connect the pipe directly from valve water distribution to brew boiler!

      I think the most people are using his Vesuvius only for espresso and if they have the steam boiler off so they can’t see the fail, for other side i would like to know if really somebody use HX function….

      In my humble opinion the machine needn’t this option.

      I will follow detailing…

      16 days later

      prezes An update that you may be interested. After a little experimenting with my Vesuvius, I discovered something. My normal routine had been to just purge the steam wand long enough to get the water out. Even though the pressure and temp looked good shortly after this, it would drop down to an anemic 0.8bar. But then I noticed a more vigorous steam pressure as I was cleaning things up. So I changed my routine to purge the steam wand for a solid 8 seconds before I pull the shot. Once I begin steaming after the shot is pulled, I can always maintain a 1.1 or 1.2b through the completion of the steaming process.

      ACS Vesuvius, Evo Leva, Minima, Cafelot Robot
      Qty 2, Femobook A68, Niche Zero
      Arc800 RTD Roaster

      3 months later

      This is going to come across as an odd question but how many Vesuvius V10s do you reckon are in the UK?

        Ratty2000 This is going to come across as an odd question but how many Vesuvius V10s do you reckon are in the UK?

        Dunno? Probably not a huge number.

        6 months later

        I plan to pick up a 2019 Vesuvius at the weekend, seems great value as a used buy given it’s capability and spec. Assume this machine is still relevant in 2025??

        Are ACS planning to continue to support the Vesuvius with spares for the foreseeable future?

        Any tips for this machine? Anything to check on inspection? I am coming from a Fracino Cherub HX machine, so a simple but reliable E61 style machine . I know ill need molykote (111?) for the cam lobe, post back flush etc. Anything else?


          Tal I plan to pick up a 2019 Vesuvius at the weekend, seems great value as a used buy given it’s capability and spec. Assume this machine is still relevant in 2025??

          If someone told me “this is the only machine you are allowed to use hse from now on……”

          Id be more than happily drinking coffee daily.

          It was ahead of it’s time in 2019!!

          I basically programmed mine to mimic the lever as i guess a lot of people do .

          You should be more than happy.

          Yes molykote 111 should be used when servicing the group. It stays put a long time and lubricates well.

          With the servicing…. Less is more sometimes!!

          Of course the first thing I’d do is remove the cam, “preinfusion chamber” (which isn’t really in this case!) and mushroom for a look and a clean but i like messing!!

          I usually soak everytging in cafiza to clean it once off the machine .

          We require pictures ,😎😝

          Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

          About Me


            Hey Adrian, what are the profile steps for that lever-type shot you are pulling? Looking to occupy the last profile slot I have.




              Appreciate that, it is on the other forum, looks in good condition and well looked after, so fingers crossed all goes well!


                I never made a note unfortunately and its now sold as im using the evo 2.

                Something along the lines of

                8s 2.5 bar

                5s 10.6 bar

                6s 9.5 bar

                6s 9 bar

                6s 8.5 bar

                6s 8 bar

                5s 7 bar

                And i forget the pump attack rate setting .

                If initial rise is too fast you could make the second step say 2s at 8.5 bar and remove the later 8.5 bar step

                Sorry this is not very helpful but i didnt Keep any notes on my profiles .

                Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

                About Me


                I just read the thread , so you basically (legally) stole the Vesuvius 😝😎

                I thought i had bad luck selling 🤭

                Did you fetch it yet? On face value it seems like a bargain ….

                Good luck with it.

                Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

                About Me

                • Tal likes this.

                Collecting it Saturday morning when he heads down to my neck of the woods to visit family. Certainly seems like a good deal. He has shared videos and all looks to be in great condition etc.

                Can’t wait for it. I will revisit some lighter coffee once I’ve played with some pressure profiles of my usual espresso coffee choice. The Fracino while superb for my medium/dark choices, I don’t have any control on temperature or any other parameters to try and improve light/medium level roasts. So I’ll see if the additional control and more variables allows me to enjoy them how the rest of you seem to!

                As for the price, it’s certainly too good to miss out on!