I’m one of the victims of this needless farce; there are some here and many else where.
In summary, it may help improve the EY on light roasts; anything other than this, it won’t be of any use except keeping the shower screen cleaner.
The screen any way remains cleaner on the Evo even after a week of use pulling 6 cups a day. Dropping the screen is very quick as we have the GU10 clips.
We have pulled a few shots on medium, medium and dark roasts. The shots without the screen were fantastic; with the screen, everything being the same, we got very sour shots on the Evo. We believe the screen pushes the extraction to two extremes, depending on the roast. The shots were too sour to drink.
My good friend @SL01 can share his beautiful experiences (🤣) with the BPlus.
My mind says try it on the light roast, but the heart says don’t! Mind is a devil. So, it’s gathering dust, I’m afraid.
Moral of the story, please don’t fall for it. 😊