Well, the pre-diabetic diagnosis was what made me come to my senses and realise I had to seriously do something about it, so I decided to kick start it with two things…One, initially cutting out biscuits, cakes, pastries, chocolate etc and just having the one meal a day. Sounds extreme, but that one meal was a proper full size meal, as I still had to cook for my other half and I cooked - as always - good hearty food with plenty of veg or salad and definitely no packaged processed food.
Initially it was hard, not because of feeling hungry but cravings….as I have said, I loved a biscuit or ten and chocolate and cake, well puddings in general, but I resisted. Now, because of this my stomach has shrunk and I naturally cannot eat as much and stop when I feel full.
I have had moments where I have not kept to the diet, for example before starting it I had arranged a weekend away in London and another away at a friends and a couple of other meals out and on those occasions I have even eaten puddings/desserts and had a beer or two.
I will start introducing more, but what has happened and probably the most important as far as I was concerned is portion control. Being brought up with four brothers my mum would pile our plates high and I will admit if I didn’t come away from the dinner table feeling very full then it was not enough. Not any more, whihc will make maintaining my new eating habits easier. Also, it is surprising how much more I appreciate the naughty stuff when I do have it.
It may not be what a doctor would say is the right way to do it, but it works for me and they say the proof of the pudding and all that, and with the blood results and the fact I feel so much better, more energy, less tired, able to bend down without grunting and not feeling as stiff, is enough for me.