The conclusion that heart attacks, etc were unknown in ancient times is firstly hampered by the fact rhat ancients had vastly different and much more inexact approaches and understandingto describe and diagnose accurately such ailments and would report them to be attributed to different things. As well the ancient civilisations differed in the care at which they examined physiology- the ancient egyptians and Indian and Chinese and greek civilisations were better at it than some others. As well the ancients may have known and practised some things thta were not preserved in the textsthat have survived extant to this day.
Yet despite that there appears to be significant evidence of heart attacks in ancient times - ancient Egyptian texts show clear descriptions of angina pectoris and possibly heart attack whicj are unsurprising since 34 per cent of Egyptian mummies that were examined were found to have evidence of arthrosclerosis…more evidence is surveyed from ancient Arabia and and the 17th to 19th century Europe - long before the advent of modern processed foods …
Heart disease was well known to the Chinese of thoisands of years ago with various herbal remedies prescribed for it in Chinese medical texts whicj r followed to this day. Here is an examination of a corpse of a lady who died in ancient China and it was found she had a severely occluded artery that likely caused her death…
Cancer has been known from ancient times as seen in this website
The book emperor of all maladies also details some of this history if I recall correctly…
Here is a link that details ancients knowing about diabetes and their remedies for treating it….
On dementia among the ancients here is a link
Ultimately i am no expert on this topic but my own feeling as an observer to this debate is that while ancel keys may have been found to be incorrect in his thesis that linked dietary cholestrol to blood cholesterol and heart disease and dietary saturated fats have been wrongly demonised, some of his detractors may be making a similar mistake as his to go to the other extreme to lionise meat based saturated fats as being totally safe to the extent of even advocating for meat only or carnivorous diets. There was a tweet by nina telchotz where she entertained rhe idea of adopting such a diet. While it may be helpful for certain auto immune conditions (most famously jordan and Michaela peterson), for otherwise healthy people to adopt such a diet may be as unwise as adopting the pufa rich oxidised fats and processed diet thar many people have currently adopted because yet again it is not borne out by any of the traditional cultures that are famed for producing a populace of general good health and extremely long longevity…