Flat Burr Niche Mod
All very well to say “I can fit flat burrs on the Niche….” But the real questions are:
- Will it be usable?
- Does it actually work?
- What’s retention like?
- How long does it take to grind?
- Does it stall?
We all see some video of someone installing the burrs with some music on the background. I have’t seen one of it grinding coffee…. :-)
If I were niche I’d be voiding warranty if any one did this.
My main concern would be the motor, the way flats and conicals work are different, they need different speeds and torque.
I’d bet the ‘mod’ will be a couple hundred plus your burrs of choice.
Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -
Cuprajake I want to see that instagram user showing us a video of it working first….
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MediumRoastSteam I would expect them to grind and pull at least a shot! It is a standard practice.
I don’t have an instagram account. I did see one video of the seller swapping the burrs and nothing else. I don’t know, if there are more than one video.
Vid there bud
Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -
Umm not sure just insta. It’s second tab
Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -
LMSC is there a youtube video?
If you click on those links above, ultimately it’s a video. They’re public, you don’t need an Instagram account.
MediumRoastSteam Nope, unfortunately! It asks me to sign in either Facebook or instagram! :-)
I’m guessing the flow control disc helps with the power requirements. How much is a Lagom or that Chinese thing (solo?).
LMSC Nope, unfortunately! It asks me to sign in either Facebook or instagram! :-)
You are right! - I’m now confused! it allowed me to watch the video earlier, but now it asks me to sign in.
No thanks! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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MediumRoastSteam Same here! Neither want one nor missed it. 🤣🤣🤣
Just for you x
Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -
Personally, I might give it a go IF the price is sensible, and it comes direct from Niche. I’m not holding my breath for that, though. Third-party adaptations? No doubt some will go for it, but that isn’t for me. I’m happy enough with the Niche as-is.
For me, this defeats the object of the niche. A single dose big conical burr grinder at a sensible price. If I wanted a 65mm flat burr grinder, I’d just buy one. There are plenty to choose from. The niche is currently unique at its price point. 65mm flats not so much…
Definitely not going to be a cheap solution given his porcupress is nearly 300USD but fair play to him for making it work.
Very impressive how quick it is to convert, building on the Niche’s great design there. My main concern would be motor and if this puts too much stress on it.
Cmon, does nobody on here want to be a tester?
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Interesting development and it looks incredibly easy to do, but as others have already stated - this is not what the Niche was designed to do so I think I’d be wary of modifying it for this purpose if I had one.
Assuming the niche components are up to the job, I think there would certainly be a market for a flat burr niche.
The DF64 isn’t close in terms of build quality. I own a DF64 and as an ex-niche owner, I’d definitely sell it for a flat burr niche. Great work by the designer and I’ll be crossing my fingers that it works out (though having seen the size of the niche motor and the plastic gearbox, I’m not too hopeful).