Last night watched the documentary on Sky by Oliver Stone re-visiting the Kennedy assassination called JFK Re-visited. Now I’m not a conspiracy theorist type but I must admit from the evidence they showed on this, it looks like it was an inside job CIA and the like.

Unlike all the stuff they show in other documentaries saying the moon landing didn’t happen which has been thoroughly debunked, this stuff looks irrefutable… or is it?

    Looking forward to watching latest series of Ozark, really enjoyed it so far.

    Just finished Money Heist on Netflix, pretty good if a bit slow sometimes, they could have done it in 3 series, I just zoomed forward on the filler bits but did enjoy it.

    Pompeyexile Unlike all the stuff they show in oter documentaries saying the moon landing didn’t happen which has been thoroughly debunked, this stuff looks irrefutable… or is it?

    The moon landing was real????

      I generally avoid Marvel Superhero stuff but my son convinced me to watch ‘Jessica Jones’. Now completely hooked! Get past the first episode and it just gets better and better.

        I finished Lost in space through gritted teeth, every clichéd, woke, unrealistic Disneyesqe, sickening moment of the last 3 episodes.

        If I am honest, I couldn’t have taken much more without removing my brain and placing it in a blender, immediately after blending will Robinson.

          Agree Dave, give me the old Lost inSpace any day.

          Just watched the first4 of the new Ozark….Chuffin hell it’s good!

          Only thing is, have they given the ending away at the beginning and the final series is about how it got there?

          I’ve got to admit the Americans do this sort of thing very well, because thinking about it some of my favoutite series have been as Bruce would say… Born in the USA!

          Ozark, Dexter, Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, You, Penny Dreadful, American Horror Story, and the one probably top of my list… Banshee, to name but a few.

          I am watching The Walking Dead on Prime. Just started season 4.

            4W5 I am watching The Walking Dead on Prime. Just started season 4.

            Another one I think I should be watching….so much stuff so little time.

            • 4W5 replied to this.

              DavecUK I finished Lost in space through gritted teeth, every clichéd, woke, unrealistic Disneyesqe, sickening moment of the last 3 episodes.

              🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 - let’s face it. It was rubbish from the very start. But there was something about it… like eating Pringles…. You know it’s absolutely junk and full of E-numbers, but you just want to keep eating.

                MediumRoastSteam so true! Did think it was erring on the side of being really irritating at times but was very easy viewing.

                I’ve just finished re watching merlin on Netflix - game of thrones it isn’t but it’s crap in a very British way 😁

                DavecUK I believe in the zombies but I have other unanswered questions like where are the survivors getting their food from, why don’t they have scurvy and can you really stab through someone’s skull with a knife.

                  4W5 I believe in the zombies but I have other unanswered questions like where are the survivors getting their food from, why don’t they have scurvy and can you really stab through someone’s skull with a knife.

                  I quite agree, another question is have they got enough toilet paper in a crisis, if so how did they get it once people started panic buying?


                  The cone/tweeter struggle is real.

                  I’ve got two pairs of B&W 685 (which as a side note are incredibly good speakers that can be had for relatively low cost second-hand) and had to replace the tweeter twice during house moves.

                  Despite being packaged in boxes and wrapped in all manner of protective material still got dented.

                  As for what I’m listening to; Magnolia Electric Co by Songs:Ohia. Also Honest Life by Courtney Marie Andrews. They both sound incredibly good on vinyl and should be accessible enough for most music fans!

                  I watched this last night. Saw the bus fight scene and realised it needed a watch, if you don’t like violence, humour and swearing, obviously don’t click the link. I think this film may have gone under the radar for me. This particular clip is a mix of Kingsman, John Wick and stuff i’ve never seen before.

                  I thought it made up the bulk of the movie and nothing else of substance…but no….it was a good film and an enjoyable watch, if you liked John Wick, you will surely like this.