A fellow here in Canada is selling his advance order for the Odyssey Argos lever machine. He wants “more than cost”, which in my view is nutty (harks back to the days when the NZs were coming out, and were over hyped). Cost is currently $850 US, but the machine has yet to be released or reviewed. He is selling because he bought another currently available lever machine.
Would you spend your hard earned cash to buy out his position? If so, what would you pay?
Fyi, I am only pondering this because I need a setup for my cottage. And I had the good fortune to be given a used NZ (at no cost other than shipping from the US), so that has saved some money. Fyi,it has 30 kg through it and has some scratches but otherwise works well. Mind you, it had not been cleaned for 3 years, and was pretty gross inside 🤢! The burrs seem abit discolored but otherwise look ok. After calibration it flows just a tad faster than my new NZ, but the shots from my new vs this 3 year old unit taste pretty similar.

So I will be selling my cottage Bartaza Sette 270 and Breville DuoPro and buy a replacement espresso machine, which could be a Lelit E (duplicating what I have in the City) or perhaps a Lever.
Thoughts? My gut feel is to wait until this forum has reviewed the Odyssey. Still, I am curious as to whether you would take up this fellows offer and what you would pay him, given the remaining risks.
Btw, I just saw another original NZ given away for free, to a student. They are great grinders but the hype is beginning to melt.