Little update on burrs. I have the SSP Brew Burrs (Red) as they are called and they do fit fine in the Niche. Grinding is a little slower with these filter burrs. Not by much though….perhaps 10% slower.
The SSP burrs come marked top and bottom, key takeaways are:
- Both SSP burrs are thicker than the thickest Mazzers by 14 and 27 Micron, so they fit the carriers and won’t need shimming to raise their height.
- the SSP Filter burrs have top and bottom thicknesses of 9.606 and 9.619 mm respectively, so 13 micron difference. Have no idea why
- The Diameter of the SSPs is slightly less than the Mazzers at 82.65mm, which means they are slightly more difficult than the Mazzers to centralise in the carrier. The Mazzers are almost and exact fit.
Taste wise it’s a bit early to tell, my first brew has a little bitterness, simply because I forgot to allow for the total difference of around 41 micron in height (both burrs combined), hence my grind for brew was finer and the drawdown time longer. This would account for the bitterness. Grind quality (visually) looked very good from the SSPs.
I’ll keep you informed.