DavecUK no, they can plausibly do both - not recommend you swap them out but also sell additional carriers for those wishing to take the risk.
Anyway we are all in agreement, I wasn’t speculating about their rationale I was just saying what’s the big deal if people want to change burrs. I wouldn’t do it but no need to go after others who have different tastes or preferences with burrs, even if you personally think it’s a waste of money.
DavecUK I am sure they will welcome your suggestions on how they can get a win/win.
Maybe if they didn’t actually (rightly) backtrack and listen to the feedback regarding selling a single burr version and the VAT charges before then that flippant suggestion would have landed better 😆 again I think most are in agreement that was the correct thing to do and it’s good Niche listened, except anyone still committed to Niche’s original decision in the first place.
I can understand the siege mentality about Niche when there’s a lot of forums that now seem to dislike anything it does for no good reason, but I don’t think there’s anyone on here with an agenda. There’s been good faith suggestions like ‘oh it would be good if they sell a single burr version/fix vat/sell spare burr carriers, etc.’ and it gets treated like it’s an unreasonable attack on the company. Yet on another thread about Timemore, Meticulous etc on the other hand then people pile on a lot worse and it’s fine.