If you have some sort of coffee travel kit, I invite you to share what you use.

If you don’t think the faff of a travel kit is worth it, more power to you but you’re invited not to clog the thread with that. The idea is to catch ideas from those who have a travel kit.

If you can post a pic, so much the better. But if not a simple description of your kit will suffice.

Thanks to @wilburpan whose review inspired me to try the 9Barista, mine consists of that ingenius device and a Lagom Mini.

I’m considering replacing the latter with the Varia VS3 with the Hypernova burrs because even though it’s larger and heavier, I enjoy the espresso significantly more. (If you have an interest in the VS3 there is a review here https://coffeetime.freeflarum.com/d/1667-varia-vs3-three-month-review-april-2023/17 )

I used to take a C40, V60 and papers and buy coffee from a roaster local to wherever I was traveling.

However after discovering you can get a plastic V60, and 40 papers for like £10, I’ve taken to ordering one of those to the location I’m travelling to, and just buying from a nearby roaster and asking them to grind for v60.

It’s obviously not quite as fresh but negates actually carrying anything and that’s especially valuable if traveling by motorbike.

This works especially well if I’m staying with friends or family who usually drink instant, I leave the new V60 with them and they get a coffee upgrade.

    Wrong post lol

    Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

    I also go for the v60 route. Plastic v60, MBK aergrind and a few papers. Just used it this morning as we’re away camping.

    Ernie1 What do you do with the v60 at the end of the holiday?

    I’ve got a MBK F47 and am currently deciding on what to use for brewing. Aeropress likely to win at the moment.

      OXO pour over cone, Feldgrind, My Weigh Triton XL Scales.

      Bloom with twice the dose weight from your hotel room kettle, drizzle this over the coffee bed via the Oxo water tank, to fully wet the grinds, add the rest of the water quickly at 1;00.

      If a compact kettle, with a small minimum brew capacity, pre weigh your brew water.

      Depends, Aeropress and Kingrinder if I am riding or motelling.
      Just fresh roasted beans if I am visiting.

      Bad coffee, whatever everyone else is having. I see it as an opportunity to reset and appreciate more what I have at home. First one on return is often the most amazing coffee.

      I’m away next week,

      I just don’t drink Coffee, I’ll wait till I come back

      Unless I see a nice cafe, but I’ve never done that yet.

      I normally come back, realise I don’t really need coffee and contemplate selling it all 🤣

      Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

      When I go and see my sister, it’s a Moka pot or some crappy espresso machine, like a delonghi el cheapo. I go for the Moka pot and at the weekend we go and venture out in São Paulo where there are (now) plenty of speciality coffee shops.

      When I visit my parents, it’s filter/clever dripper with coffee so roasty I’m sure it’s roasted saw dust. I just drink whatever they make and when we go out, it’s whatever coffee when we walk past a coffee shop.

      same as when I was in Italy. Nespresso at the holiday let (sigh), and coffee st any coffee shop when we were out.

      Needless to say, I often look forward to coming back home and see Lizzy has been patiently waiting for me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

        As yet I do not have a travel kit, simply because I do not have a ‘travel’ ‘portable’ hand grinder. BUT…. things are about to change!…well in about 7 months when hopefully Santa will be dropping off a hand grinder.

        My first choice was ging to be one of the 1Zpresso grinders, but since Dave’s post on the new motorised hand grinder from Bella Barista, I will hold off on making my final decision hoping its official release will be this year.

        The rest of the ‘kit’ if it is a weekend away will be the smallest V60 or Aeropress, but if longer (and it is in the UK) then the Clever Dripper will come along for the ride too.

          I brought a hand grinder and aeropress with me to London (1zpresso zp6), but the kettle here is so scaled that I will just end up going to coffee shops instead. But London does have good choices

          Coffee Roaster. Home: Sage Dual Boiler, Niche Zero, Ode v2 (SSP), 1zpresso ZP6 Work: Eagle One Prima EXP, mahlkonig e80s, Mazzer Philos and lots more

          It depends how long I’m going for and how space limited I am. If I’m only away for a couple of days or I’m limited for space then I would take an Aeropress and my Aergrind. As an Aeropress only needs a kettle it’s the best for hotel rooms but as I like milk drinks I prefer to take a Moka pot if possible but it obviously requires a cooker.

          If I’m driving to my in laws for a few weeks where the coffee is terrible then I find space for a Gaggia Classic and my Aergrind, it packs reasonably small and does the job much better than the local cafés.

          Pompeyexile My first choice was ging to be one of the 1Zpresso grinders, but since Dave’s post on the new motorised hand grinder from Bella Barista, I will hold off on making my final decision hoping its official release will be this year.

          It’s really really good and the motor grinds and incredible amount of coffee. I’ve done 2 more grinds since I ground 360g of coffee, one was 24g filter and the other was 14g for espresso which took 3 minutes. I tried one espresso as hand ground….wow took me a minute 30 and although not hard…arm got bored. If I’m doing espresso, I’ll happily use the motor.

          BB I believe are bringing in 40 for a launch at £90 (which isn’t bad for TiN burrs.

          I was thinking that this would pair nicely with it.

            DavecUK sounds like a very good travel grinder option. Any idea when they launch or if pre orders are open?

              tompoland sounds like a very good travel grinder option. Any idea when they launch or if pre orders are open?

              I really don’t know, I am assuming within the next few weeks…but that’s a guess based on the fact Rodney said he was flying a batch in. In reality it’s a relatively low value product compared to everything else they sell and probably only Rodney and I are excited for it as a really (unexpectedly) nice little product….which may well serve a need.