What did postman bring today ?
A comandante c40 from clumsy goat, came into this box.
prezes Is that a Vesuvius or an Evo? Particularly if the latter, do you mind sharing where you got the ring from, please?
CoyoteOldMan it’s the Vesuvius and the ring is from Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1004571938/58-mm-magnetic-espresso-dosing-ring?ref=yr_purchases
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prezes Thanks - bummer, they only have 58 mm rings (or a 49/51). The search continues!
ETA - Never mind; they seem to have a 54 mm (lower profile), but for some reason it’s not listed under dosing funnels. 🤔
CoyoteOldMan worth dropping him a message as I think he does them to order so might be able to get one done for you in right size.
I’ve been looking for a long while now for something that will work while sitting on the stand
prezes I need to get the machine first!!! (It was supposed to be shipped this week, but I haven’t heard news, so I suppose it hasn’t been)
prezes thanks for the link. I’ve decided to bite the bullet and buy one. £39 delivered isn’t cheap, but I’m convinced the dosing funnels that cause a lip are likely going to create uneven water saturation through the Puck. I’ve toyed back and forth with living with the cheap one, but I’ve spent the best part of £2.5k on a new set up so it doesn’t make sense to jeopardise the end product on something as simple as this. It’s one of those things I hate having to buy, but I’ve got a feeling I won’t regret it in the long run.
Are they the super fine baskets? I miss mine
Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -
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North Star