- Edited
Cafelat Robot user here but I’m rather late to the thread, I’ve skimmed the other replies so apologies if I’ve missed or am repeating anything.
As others have mentioned, the thermal stability of the Robot is very good and the beans you’re using are dark. I know you mentioned you’re letting the water sit for 20 sec in the kettle but the temperature is unlikely to significantly decrease in that time in an insulated kettle. This will definitely be contributing to the bitter flavour - try a thermometer and aim for lower temps, you’ll be surprised at how much it improves the shot.
If you’re still struggling with bitter notes I’d shorten your brew ratio, decrease the pressure you apply (6 bar is fine) and finally decrease the preinfusion time. Don’t worry too much about brew times, but again with it being dark roast I’d guess shorter will be better. Finally do as you’re doing, change one variable at a time and record how different grind settings, ratios, temps all taste.
Also see if the cafe who brewed the espresso you liked with those beans can give any tips on how they do it.
As others have mentioned the Robot is a very good and capable machine (and the JX-pro a great hand grinder) but manual levers can be challenging even for experienced home brewers. It sounds like you’re on the right track so stick in there and please shout if you have any more questions or issues.