BrendaninBrooklyn Let me ask, what exact parmeters do you want to control because maybe I’m missing something?
Yes you are missing something - just because you personally don’t see the need to control variables like flow, pressure profile, temperature, etc. you think machines without these features will do the same job. They won’t and all those backers you mention seem to want these features, so I don’t see the issue here.
If you’d rather have back to back cups and milk foaming, cool well maybe those older machines are better suited for you. You can make it out like a good operator can get the same results, but it’s like saying the Gaggia or Silvia provides the same control as a Decent 👍
It was the same with xBloom, I’d never personally get one but clearly there’s a demand and the company delivered on their backers despite all the question marks about their manufacturing background on here. It’s right to be cautious with these things especially when talking large sums of money but afterwards nobody ever seems to put their hands up and say, oh I was wrong about this maybe they did do what they said they would.