Not the human postie, but the email postie from Niche…IT’S ON ITS WAY!

Chuff me! Just as I finished typing this another email came in…..It will be with me tomorrow!

I’m so excited I think a dribble of wee has escaped…well, I am 63.

    Pompeyexile I’m so excited I think a dribble of wee has escaped

    That……my friend……is way too much information!!😃 Enjoy your Nz!

    Pompeyexile Haha I was at the airport about to board a plane for a week away and then got my email too. Love that it’s coming early, annoyed I can’t play tomorrow haha. They must have had a big delivery getting March’s batch in this early.

    An email from Niche, but I’m still waiting for DPD to confirm when they are delivering it to me

    Lelit Elizabeth, Niche Zero

    V60 with Drip Assist, Clever Dripper, Knock Feld47

    Aeropress, Knock Aergrind

    It makes good business sense - under-promise and over-deliver = good. But over-promise and under-deliver = bad.

    Mine arrived a few weeks ahead of expectation too, earlier this year. I guess they give a maximum time, with a margin of error, and then aim to beat it. And I was similarly delighted. Still am, for that matter. It felt like Christmas arrived as expected on Dec 25th, and then again, a couple of weeks later. .

    Let´s hope they over deliver in my case. When I ordered mine NZ, they said delivery in March.

    Lelit say that they will ship end February, so maybe, just maybe they will arrive very soon.

    Well the Niche Zero arrived a couple of hours ago. It took about 8 tries to get a decent shot of Neighbourhood Coffee Brewhemian Rhapsody but I got there in the end😎I’m happy but that might be down to the massive caffeine hit I’ve just had. I had to adjust the setting a lot coarser than I expected (28-29) to get a good extraction - 18g in basket, 37g out in 32 seconds (including 6 seconds pre-infusion. Tomorrow I will be trying a grind for the V60 as I’ve had too much coffee today.

    Lelit Elizabeth, Niche Zero

    V60 with Drip Assist, Clever Dripper, Knock Feld47

    Aeropress, Knock Aergrind

      Yorkie_Al As a tip, when at espresso grind levels, 1 mark is about 4 seconds on/off the pour

      For filter you have top grind quite coarse, probably at the end of the scale or even more


      No excuses now, I can’t blame my tools if the coffee is still rubbish, it’s because I’m a bad workman (home barista)..hah!

        Cuprajake Where did you get the fellow cup from? Fancy them loads as well but can only seem to find US suppliers last I looked. Also prices are extortionate.

        ebay, coffee hit about £22.00 why i snapped it up

        Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

        Pour over! We will also use it to fill the Evo’s water tank. 304 stainless steel.

        Pompeyexile The niche does seems nice, but I fear the quality isn’t worth the price. I’ve heard things like the switch breaking easily… Which isn’t a good sign. Probably not the best build quality for longevity, but I suppose it’s amazing for single dosing which makes people enticed by it.

          Well, that’s the first I’ve heard of build quality concerns with the Niche. Taking it out of the box it is heavy, solid and doesn’t move a millimeter in operation. The switch has a firm positive feel with no play in it. Like anything, only time will tell, but it seems as well built and as sturdy as my old Brasilia and that was a metal monster.

            I don’t own Niche but haven’t heard that before either. There might have been an odd incidence or two not related to this. Heard nothing but outstanding customer support known to fix any issues very quickly.


              LMSC I didn’t mean it’s bad quality, I meant in comparison to others. To be fair I haven’t owned one, but reading a lot of other sites and comparisons and talk about the internal components/design etc., the feeling I got was that for productivity/use it is one of the best, but comparing the build to other grinders it isn’t as good. There’s no way to prove this I guess without waiting 10 years or so. Now if I had the money at that price point I would buy it, but I wouldn’t expect it to last as long as a Mazzer Mini which is a bit cheaper.

              Sham I’ve heard things like the switch breaking easily…

              Was that when the Home Barista review team dropped the grinder, they did break the switch…I think Niche simply sent them a new board…perhaps that’s what you read. I have definitely not heard of the switch breaking easily….unless any Niche owners want to put me right?

              They have sold a huge amount of grinders, with fault levels significantly less than their competitors.