MediumRoastSteam it is too bitter to me. I think the thickness is okay to good. I tried the robot with two different beans from pact. The first one was medium dark and I am on the dark one now. Both are no good to me. I also have black cat chocolate blend (today is 3 days after brew) and North Star dock blend and Brazil blend on the way. These will need some waiting time before I can use. So I will have no beans to use after two more shots.
I am noob in espresso. So I am not sure I can describe my preference in the taste well. But I think I want a balanced taste of sourness and bitterness and sweet. I like thicker body. But I think my tongue is very forgiving. For most espresso I tried in cafe including the office automatic machine impressed me. I will be happy if I can pull something even only similar to the automatic machine.