Knluk - Go to the supermarket and buy yourself a tin of the world famous Illy coffee - that might be something you would be more used to, specially if the automatic machine is giving you good coffee. You didn’t say what coffee that machine has though, but I’m assuming if it’s something in an office with an office plan, it’s likely to be something very box standard.
And then try something medium/medium dark roasts from roasters - keep it to a well tried blend.
Are you sure you are detecting bitterness rather than sourness? With the Robot, the temperature is always decreasing - there’s no way to increase it. Usually, bitterness is a sign of the water being too hot - which I very much doubt with the machine you have.
Needless to say, this is a journey. If you are a a novice to this, you there will be a period where things will be frustrating for you, specially with the kit you have, due to its limitations.
Also, don’t get carried away by the nth level of detail. Grind your coffee, tamp, pull a shot. Keep things consistent. Change one variable at a time. Keep to the simplest possible routine you can have. When you introduce a change, think about what it represented in the cup. Go again.