Gagaryn thanks for the advice. It is important for me to have some assurance bit by bit to identify what I really missed out. Re beans, I hope it is the cause as it will then by just a learning experience to identify something I like. Do you have any recommendation?
Sometime I am really confused. I can even like the one from automatic machine which likely use shitty bean or even grounded coffee. How can I hate the shot I made with fresh and freshly grounded beans. Still suspect I missing something here.
I am looking at some grinder in case my jX-pro is really the cause but if possible, I may not want to spend that money as I like the workflow of manual. If I have a Niche Zero for example, I can set the similar grind size with other users so will be safe. Is there anything I should be concern about buying used Niche? Does the burr tend to age quick and need to replace from time to time?