Adrianmsmith The price and the sale claims clearly state against manufacturers reccomended retail price not precious selling price.

Not sure if I am following you correctly - but BB make no mention of RRP or manufacturers recommended pricing and do mention SALE!

Even if they had claimed the saving was against RRP, the Advertising Standards Agency has guidance on that which explains that there must be evidence that the item has actually sold at RRP, and indeed that there are other retailers of the item. As this is currently a BB exclusive and hasn’t listed before it seems neither is the case here. Guidance on use of RRP is here


    Sorry I misread it. It just says RRP…….

    I suggest you may want to take them to court.

    Please do it after they’ve delivered the first batch of grinders if you could find it deep inside to be so kind.

    Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

    About Me

      Adrianmsmith Odd, using desktop browser shows no mention of RRP or special launch prices - simply sale. They should add web content management on their list of things to fix.

        Gagaryn I’m going to make a coffee not got time for this shit.

        P.s. don’t buy one I’m sure you will be disappointed 😞 then you’ll have to take them to court twice 😜😎

        Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

        About Me

          Adrianmsmith P.s. don’t buy one I’m sure you will be disappointed 😞 then you’ll have to take them to court twice 😜😎

          OK, I won’t. You’re probably right. 🤪

          It does seem a shame that a firm go to all the bother of finding something just a little bit different in a crowded marketplace, arrange to have it tested, arrange for the recommendations to be implemented, then offer some of the first batch to forum members at a better pay price than to the general public, yet for some the focus seems to be bitching, whether warranted or not……

            dfk41 then offer some of the first batch to forum members at a better pay price than to the general public

            The bitching as you put it, is simply because BB failed to advertise their product accurately - either in the images or the specs. I don’t believe they are intending to mislead, but getting this stuff wrong is a bit amateurish and I’m surprised you think it’s a “shame” to mention it. Your’e generally one of the first to call out misleading reviews but here you are cutting BB slack despite them being a bit sloppy on this one. You must be getting soft in your old age! 😉

            Not sure what better price you are referring to -it’s been £459 for everybody, forum or public since it was announced as far as I know.

            No it’s was £559 originally and you had a discount code to get it to £459

            They have since opened that price up to everyone, as they said they would the first 20 were to get the code from my reading

            Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

              I think I said it somewhere above but I kind of feel for everyone involved here. It’s another 64mm flat from a non-descript East Asian company.

              It’s probably the most competitive space in the grinder market and a hard sell regardless of how glowing the review.

              Nobody’s fault other than total market saturation probably numbing people’s interest.

              Feels like we need something to come along and do a Niche Zero before we start getting excited again.

              La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

              Ikawa Roaster

                Don’t think you can now.

                The niche was totally different at the time and imo very competitively priced.

                Now if you want a good 64mm you’re over a grand for a zerno or lagom p64

                If you want bigger burrs that gets even crazier.

                I personally don’t like the rate the 64mm grinders are getting pushed out. Ten a penny comes to mind, and most are fugly

                Only one I quite like is the df64v, but they stall app.

                Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

                Cuprajake No it’s was £559 originally and you had a discount code to get it to £459

                I don’t think it has ever been for sale at £559 though. The initial offer on here was described as a £100 discount for the forum - and then from 25 March it would be offered to the public with a £75 discount.

                However that’s not how things have played out - it’s only been offered at one price - £459 to everyone. This may be an introductory offer and it may go up to £559 at some point - only time will tell…

                  Gagaryn I don’t think it has ever been for sale at £559 though. The initial offer on here was described as a £100 discount

                  It was offered as initially intended (£559 rrp, £100 off with the discount code for forum members). That was like so for about 4 or 5 days. Only reason I know is because I kept checking and was tempted to buy one.

                  But on Saturday, 23rd March, I checked the website and BB have lowered the price to £459 to the general public, appearing to have given up on the initial promotional strategy and opening the offer of £459 to everyone.

                  Edit: just checked the calendar to make sure I got the dates right.

                    As above it was £549 as I took was looking at it

                    Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

                    MediumRoastSteam But on Saturday, 23rd March, I checked the website and BB have lowered the price to £459 to the general public, appearing to have given up on the initial promotional strategy and opening the offer of £459 to everyone.

                    Thanks for correcting me, didn’t know that and was thrown by the email that was posted earlier showing BB as describing £459 as the “special launch price”. I simply took that at face value - didn’t appreciate that they launched earlier at a higher price and then relaunched at a lower price a few days later. Unfortunate for any poor enthusiastic early pre-orders.

                    HarveyMushman how glowing the review

                    Depends on whose review. if James H gave it a glowing review, you can be sure it’s out of stock within a few hours.
                    Lance reviewed the blind shaker and he only stated that the extraction was higher, not necessarily it tastes better, and sales of said tool skyrocketed. I am not a fan of Lance, but I’d be lying if I said I did not buy my blind shaker because of his video. I was always thinking it as an unnecessary tool.
                    Not sure why the debate of price comes from. I’m seeing 382.5 GBP which means no VAT (+20% and it’s 459). No indication of sale price whatsoever

                      delta76 Not sure why the debate of price comes from. I’m seeing 382.5 GBP which means no VAT (+20% and it’s 459). No indication of sale price whatsoever

                      This is what you see if you are in the UK:



                        So flippin what

                        Did anyone else on this forums actually join it to read about coffee related products and get advice on certain items? Or did some of you just joined to debate the advertising ethics of a price that you have seen advertised in a way that you do not like?

                        Do people not have a brain. Can we not just decide to buy it based on the price it’s offered.

                        It’s getting boring just seeing lots of arguments of what words should be used in an advert.


                        Have you ever wondered if you’re washing powder or washing up? Liquid really is 5000% better than it was in 1970, which is approximately what it should be by now if you believe all the adverts in the meantime.

                        Does it really matter if it says Sale or introductory offers

                        It will not charge it’s performance or what you actually pay.

                        I for one. Decided to order it and see how it goes. Just based on the advice and videos by @DavecUK

                        If it does not live up to expectations then so what? I’m sure I have had much more expensive equipment that doesn’t. Based on what I have read I have decided to give it a try and fingers crossed i may even like it.

                        Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

                        About Me

                          dutchy101 - it looks really good I have to say. It’s in my basket 🤪

                          But I already have a Niche Duo so it would be an indulgence rather than a requirement. I’ve been very good in keeping away from the “buy” button, and would be delighted to hear how you get on. 👍


                            But what price will it be by then?

                            I’m waiting for the day it arrives and the “not another one ” conversation.

                            I expect to have at least one for sale by July, but which one? Time will tell.

                            I’m Starting to wish I’d paid more attention to some comments by @DavecUK on other threads with the key word in the sentence. Let’s just say Lyn was the better half or the famous combo. Sometimes you need to play and decide for yourself!

                            Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

                            About Me