I may not know much about the technical side of coffee, but I do know if @DavecUK recommends something, then it must be good! Remember, he is completely opposed to commercialism on this forum and in general. He does not take money in exchange for reviews (sales pitches) so he has no interest in recommending something that does not come up to his standards.

I think folks sometimes have short memories and if they were there have forgotten that cfuk existed for the original owner and a handful of selected members to rape and pillage members selling them a whole host of goodies.

    delta76 the manufacturer of df64 hit the jackpot

    I just pointed out they are not the same! No reading in between the lines, no second guesses, no hidden agenda. Just pointed out, that’s all (as it happened to be side by side in the image).


      Totally agree (not sure about the second paragraph ) and would add…..

      Why would @DavecUK reccomended something mediocre and open up the forum for a tidal wave of abuse in the weeks that follow.

      Look at some of the comments on another thread when he takes some battering from some members who have niggles with a perfectly decent (sorry!!) New or should I say V2 coffee machine. ☕

      Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

      About Me


      I understand your point but that side of cfuk was invisible to me as an Aussie user.
      I may have been a latecomer (not according to the missus) but I didn’t get any blatant marketing.
      I’m not suggesting it didn’t happen and some of the aggression around the londiniums was disappointing but I basically joined the forum for access to Dave and his Bianca knowledge base.

      MediumRoastSteam Just saying that it was expected, the manufacturer of df64 should have no incentive to make another grinder

      ‘Abuse, rape, battering…’

      Some pretty harsh terms being thrown around here for very mild critique.

      For a forum that prides itself on being friendly and independent there’s certainly a lot of animosity for anyone who dares to criticise certain things.

      La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

      Ikawa Roaster

        I’m just pondering if to order one to compare to the duo and my , now sold, df83.

        It Can’t be worse than the battering @DavecUK gave my latest acquisition (😜) and am interested in the static part of the equation or this T64. Maybe it wasn’t aimed at me directly, just bad timing 🎯 haha.

        Shouldn’t Lose too much depending which I decide to sell on, well, maybe!!

        Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

        About Me

        The forum always encourages members to freely air their views on their purchases - positive or negative even if cosmetic. The majority will choose to ignore those cosmetics and it may bother a few. Fair enough.

        However, those comments should not turn into a rant. It is an open forum; so, reactions for and against are not avoidable. It is ok, IMO, as long as critiques do not err on the borderline of questioning another’s integrity showing a lack of personal respect.


        I’ll just stop posting here again.

        La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

        Ikawa Roaster

          HarveyMushman This is going to digress the intent of the thread, as I am going to call out the products. So, I am sorry I am diverting.

          Evo: We all know it is a great machine, be it 1 or 2. I own the first iteration. We bought purely based on Alpha testing by Dave. That Alpha machine was purely made of older parts. What mattered to those bought was purely the cup and not imperfections. This is valid be it for 1 or 2. So, during the last years, folks did discuss those niggles. But, tbh, IIRC, it didn’t bother most of us. I couldn’t care less as long as it doesn’t affect the functioning of the machines. But, if someone’s complains re-those cosmetics, I can appreciate that as they put them off and I do not expect every one to react the same way as I do.

          Any problems, the seller and the buyer will have to resolve that. A great example is @danielpugh’s Evo 1, which troubled him from the early days of ownership. It had to be sent back to Naples for a full construction. This guy didn’t have this machine for more than a year. He got his machine recently and I hope all is well with his’. Despite all the woes, he said if his ‘ packs, he will simply place an order for another. Why? For him, the Evo gives the best coffee . That’s him.

          It’s up to the owners to decide what’s important to them. If a buyer wants perfections, convenience of a no-hassle return, return to local than DIY or any combination of these, they don’t have to buy overseas. It is as simple as that!

          It is fair Jake moved on and so is Ando (I think I got the correct name!). I am glad the issues were discussed on the forum, although some of them became a non-stop rant, IMHO, these should help resolve / fix issues.

          Niche: A lot has been discussed and debated about this. The fact is they changed the grinder market massively. No grinder at their price can beat the simplicity, workflow and convenience. I never owned a zero. But, I do think the criticism of the Zero that it s*** for light roast and filter are exaggerated as the comparisons with flat and expensive machines flew thick and fast. MWJB here showed it makes a great filter. Who is right? I believe MWJB! I think the Niche were the object of unfair criticisms. Please remember I did not buy their Zero.

          The Duo - enough is already said with comments ranging from a machine costing 5 times the Duo making a great filter on espresso burrs than mazzer espresso burrs, why not offer an SSP (they are very good but make the Duo very expensive), an option to buy either espresso or filter burrs (valid complaint), third carrier (may be), voiding the warranty and so on. While some comments are fair, I can’t help thinking there were so much of finger pointing. Folks will have to learn to look at the price versus what’s on offer, decide if this is for them. If I want to swap the burrs on Niche or anything else, who is there is to stop me. Either I swap and void the warranty if the seller doesn’t agree or wait until the warranty is over or better go and get a machine that allows the buyer to do anything at will. For the record, I can’t be asked to swap the filter burrs to espresso burrs a few times a day. I have offered my comments as a user openly. It is not Niche fault. I am just lazy. I make filters during week days and espresso during week ends. The filter burrs make a great coffee.

          The thing is on a forum like this, where there is no vested commercial interest, it is a luxury that we can air what we all like to express. We cannot avoid a mixed bag of opinions — critical, sympathetic, unbiased, neutral, biased and so on. I wouldn’t worry about it. Please take them in your stride. 😊


          I was drafting it externally and posted this. I can see you have deleted your comments. :-)

            LMSC hi,

            Evo still going strong. Since it came back it’s been reassuringly predictable. For what it’s worth I have a niche zero which I have used for about 4 years. It’s a great all-rounder. Not the best for static or pour-over, but in no way bad. My df83v im finding is different/better if only because of the reduced static. and happy with it as a cheap pre-order bargain (I used tempomans code so got extra off the preorder price). Id equally love a duo, but see no need to fiddle for the foreseeable. If the Evo dies I’d get another one, but hopefully it has many years left in it yet. The osmosis water makes me fairly confident that it should just carry on with typical parts replacements as expected each year like any machine…

              Noticed an email from BB with more details on a blog post. Variable rpm quoted at 300-1400 and not 800-2000 as on the model Dave have been testing. Interesting.


                Got the same email…..


                Link to the info….

                Worth noting also if you are considering purchase (if you are tight like I am) you can effectively get free shipping if you go on their chat or email and request for an order to be created . there’s a 2% saving if you pay by bank transfer. Quick, easy and cost effective.

                Just waiting for the boat to land now😁

                Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

                About Me