dfk41 But, I do think you are applying general engineering principles to a specialist coffee product.

I am. Because they are 100% applicable. Specialist coffee products are not magical.

    dfk41 I do

    Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

    dfk41 Have you wondered why Dave has not weighed in?

    I’ve wondered why you haven’t noticed that he has.

    dfk41 he could tell you things that you are simply not aware of

    No doubt :-)

    dfk41 I am not going to convince you since you want to see data

    Do I? What data do I want to see? You seem to know what I want better than I know what I want. :-)

    Ohhh juicy 😎not sure if I’m right or wrong, wasn’t the motor winding a specific problem and it got resolved, could wrong 😂

      Jony Ohhh juicy 😎not sure if I’m right or wrong, wasn’t the motor winding a specific problem and it got resolved, could wrong 😂

      No not really, that was all bottomed out well before the launch of any Niche grinders. They take reliability incredibly seriously.


      I had initially supported on this forum for the duo to be available in uno form when it first came out and was glad when niche relented as it is always good for the consumers for more reasonably affordable grinders to be available in the larger burr sizes. I have no doubt it will do the job as a flat burr single dosing grinder as well as the zero has for conical grinders.

      Personally I have not been interested so much in the grinder as i prefer to use mostly light roast beans and I understand that the mazzer burrs the niche comes in are optimised for darker roasts beans. In addition I already have grinders equipped with SSP burrs in 64mm and I understand that there isn’t much tangible upgrade gain from 64mm to 83mm to bother with getting 83mm grinder as well. If I were an exclusively traditional espresso fan and if I did not already have flat burr grinders, the niche duo in uno configuration would certainly be one of the candidates for consideration.

      fwiw theres not too much difference between the ssp hu 83mm and th mazzer 83mm burrs ive had both

      Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

        Cuprajake Doesn’t the SSP HU give a brighter cup than the Mazzer?


          I have read that the HU burrs seem more tailored to a traditional espresso type so I wouldn’t be surprised at that finding by some… Had I a 83mm grinder, I would have been more interested in the MP or cast burrs by ssp given my own preference for lighter roast beans, which I understand from the forums to be no5 the mazzer burrs’ forte since it really is tailored for a traditional dark roast Italian type espresso which i have moved away mostly from.

            i dont personally understand the casts,

            people buy light roast for the acidity then buy a burr that mutes it, the casts seem to a really wird burr

            the ssp hu give a bit more acitdity and sweetness, but you need them side by side,

            Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

              but dont let me tell you that, they have to sell the burrs,……i mean after spending nearly £350 on a set, there wasnt £350 worth of difference

              Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -


              I have no experience of the 83mm ssp burrs, any of them. However i have the ssp mp and cast for 64mm, and my favourite is the ssp cast lab sweet burrs in 64mm. The mp burrs are more differented in flavour separation but the cast burrs are just more balanced and sweet while maintaining a healthy flavour separation. But everyone will have different mileage here I am sure.

              chlorox which I understand from the forums to be no5 the mazzer burrs’ forte since it really is tailored for a traditional dark roast Italian type espresso which i have moved away mostly from.

              That is nonsense, in my humble. People on forums are presuming an Italian made grinder popular in Italy is made for the type of beans favourable within the country…..there are some big leaps there matey. Has anyone ever told you not to believe everything you see on the internet?


                This seems to be the view of mazzer itself since they appear to be marketing the new burrs made for the philos to be their first fir the contemporary taste that favours lighter roasts?

                  id love to be in a position to blind taste all these burrs back to back, as burrs are only one part of the whole,

                  Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -